The bounce test

The bounce test

The bounce test

How can I check whether I have a tension-type headache or a migraine attack coming on?

The bounce test can help you find out what kind of headache it is.

Watch this video to learn how easy it is.

If your pain gets much worse, it could be a migraine. If the pain gets better or goes away with exercise, it’s likely you’re having a tension-type headache.


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Use the back arrow in the browser to go back to the page you just came from. You can read more about headaches on the following pages.

Tension-type headaches

Here you will find information about the most common type of headache, the tension-type headache.

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Learn more about migraines and everything that goes with them!

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Manage your headaches

Here you will find helpful tips and strategies to reduce headaches or keep them from happening in the first place.

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